Dog diary Day 2 By Zeb Worthington
Ahhh! help! help! I’m running run run run let's go hap 234 hap 234. Well I am back and I am not a stinky cat I hate cats one day I will get that cat.Ahhhhhh! Ha I hate that dog yes I said it I know you are reading this because you wanted to read a dog's diary but from now on you will read cat’s diary. No no don’t close the tab! That was close I thought you were going to close the tab no no don’t!
Ok I am back and I am a dog not a cat. OK and I got that cat by pooping on the cat ah ah ah ah ah! That was so funny. And I farted on him. I am so tired from all that running. I’m going to sleep and no more diary for a long long time.